Salisbury Medical Practice
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CQC Rating Good
Statement of Commitment to Safeguarding
Salisbury Medical practice is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all people, irrespective of gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, language, religion, ethnic or social origin.
As a Practice we recognise our responsibilities to take all reasonable steps to promote safe practice and protect people from harm, abuse, neglect and/or exploitation.
All staff and volunteers in this practice will endeavour to safeguard people by:
- Making patients aware that we take protecting them and the public seriously and will respond to concerns about health and welfare
- Working together to encourage an ethos which embraces difference and diversity
- Respecting and empowering people to be safe from harm and/or abuse
- Recognising and reducing the risk to people experiencing domestic abuse
- Sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to know and involving people appropriately in that sharing
- Following national and local safeguarding children and adults policies and procedures including safe recruitment of all our staff
- Providing effective management for our staff by ensuring they have access to supervision, support and training as appropriate to their identified need
- Supporting people to make their own decisions and by making best interests decisions for those who cannot make decisions for themselves
The practice is committed to working within agreed policies and procedures and in partnership with other agencies. The safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults who come into contact with our services either directly or indirectly is paramount, and all staff have a responsibility to ensure that Best Practice is followed, including compliance with statutory requirements.
Our Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Charlene Handyside and our Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Dr Kara Barnett.
INDEX - Policies
- Chaperone Policy
- Computerisation & Records
- Complaints to the Practice
- Disabled Access
- Friends of SMP Privacy Notice
- GP Average Pay
- Non NHS Private Fees
- Parking Policy at Fisherton House
- Privacy Notice
- Private Referrals
- Sharing Information
- Shared Care Policy
- School Children Sick Notes
- Statement of Commitment to Safeguarding
- Statement of Purpose
- Teaching Involvement
- Zero Tolerance